Monday, July 9, 2012

The Beer Connection

Having a beer with a friend got me a job! Recently I contacted an old friend to get back in touch. We met in a local pub and had a couple of beers and an excellent, wide-ranging conversation to catch up. When I mentioned that my contract writing business has been very thin lately, he looked positively cheerful. You see, my friend is a writer too, and he was looking at a large bubble in his workload coming up just a few weeks from now. He was very worried about how he would handle it. Now he had the answer to his worry sitting on the barstool right next to him. We do the same kind of writing, and I am familiar with the technology he writes about, so it will be very easy for him to hand off a big chunk of the job to me for as long as the work bubble lasts. Both of our problems were solved.

The wonder of this "chance" meeting is twofold. First, it points out the value of networking, and that networking is not just something you do by going to dull chamber of commerce meetings or uncomfortable mixers. Just meeting an old friend for lunch or drinks can become a networking experience that leads to your next job. The other wonder is the synchronicity of our meeting. For those of us who believe in God, this was a God-orchestrated meeting for both of our benefit. Even those who are without faith will agree that such a meeting is a very fortunate "coincidence." The universe smiled on both of us while we were drinking beer.

Tell us the story if you have had coincidences like this in your job search. Just hit the "No Comments" button below this post and a window will open, allowing you to add your story as a comment.
Chuck Petch (

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